Westside Tabernacle is a church located in Corner Brook, NL and is a part of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland & Labrador. Our church has been active since 1926.


Pentecost was still new in Humbermouth when a vision was born for an evangelistic effort in Corner Brook West. The first Pentecostal Church (Mission) in Corner Brook West was built in 1926. Two stal­wart pioneers of the faith, Brothers Charles March and Herbert Eddy held the first services. Over 90 years later, their mission continues.

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Learn more about the system of beliefs that we use to guide our personal relationship with God, as well as our commitment to reaching and serving others both in our city and across the globe.

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Leadership & Staff

Our Pastoral and Support Team

Pastor Jeremy Simms

Lead Pastor

Pastor Jenny Simms

Interim Youth & Children's Pastor

Gary Parsons

Board Treasurer